Don’t Miss Out on a 25% Discount on all Stock at!


In the 21st century we have seen a rise in E-commerce, with the rise of industry giants such as Amazon, Alibaba and eBay. Online retailers have become the norm with a whopping 1.9B (billion) people expected to buy goods digitally this year and 2.2B by 2021. This highlights the importance of E-commerce for the future of retail shopping.

The future of E-commerce cannot be mentioned without the likes of cryptocurrencies – both of which some individuals believe will go hand in hand as blockchain technology gets adopted in the mainstream. There are numerous online retailers to choose from – with some even offering payment options in Crypto, however there is one company truly paving the way. Introducing, with its unbeatable prices and accessible digital currency MUE (Monetary Unit). Launched in 2014, the company was acquired by MonetaryUnit.

The rising digital marketplace is happy to announce a 25% price cut across the board for all their products which include brand new laptops, TV’s, video games, cosmetics and more! The 25% discount will be available to anyone who pays using the site’s very own digital currency MUE (MonetaryUnit). This E-commerce platform has millions of items listed on their site that make the prices from industry giant Amazon seem unfair.

A Company with a Vision

Flubit’s CEO and Co-Founder, Bertie Stephens had this to say:

We have never before seen savings like this for online shoppers……We believe this is set to disrupt online shopping and really bring into focus the huge benefits that can be realized when using digital currencies as a method of payment”

The company believes that the nature of digital currencies and decentralization can be incredibly beneficial to the world – therefore to encourage mass adoption they aim to create the most competitive prices in the world to draw in buyers and cryptocurrency users. gives users a safe environment to engage in digital transactions – therefore the marketplace has tight regulations and standards for its sellers, allowing only verified merchants to access the platform.

Cryptocurrency Made Easy! is fully aware that purchasing, trading and selling using digital currencies can be a daunting process. Therefore they have created an easy 3-step guide to help new shoppers with the setup of their MUE wallet, to top up their account, and to place orders just as someone would using a credit card. To make things even easier, Bitcoin, Litecoin and Ethereum are also accepted, which gives users numerous ways to top up their account and purchase goods.

This online retailer is certainly one to watch and keep bookmarked in your browser!

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