The Iranian government has reinforced its position on the ban of Telegram messaging app in a recent post by the Tehran Times yesterday.
According to the news outlet, the Secretary of Criminal Content Definition Task Force Javad Javidnia said: “One of the most important factors in banning Telegram was a sense of serious economic threat from its activities.”
The authorities have also issued warning against those with intent to support the native cryptocurrency of the app Gram, saying that “any cooperation with Telegram messaging app to launch Gram, the messaging app’s cryptocurrency, in Iran constitutes an action against national security and will be dealt with as a disruption to the national economy.”
The Iranian government has been hostile towards the Telegram messaging app since the political rouse in December 2017. It was also reported that head of Iran’s High Council for Cyberspace Hassan Firouzabadi, wrote in an op-ed that it was not in Iran’s interest to continue allowing access to Telegram inside the country. The government decided to ban its use or association with its tokens in the region since early 2018.
Telegram is well known for its high-end encryption model as well as for being the go-to app for crypto-related community building. It was involved in a seed funding round where it raised USD 1.7 billion, notably one of the most successful crowdfunding in 2018.
Iran had criticized the Telegram ICO giving the impression that it “undermined the national currency.” However, in a recent development, the Iranian government was in the process of developing its own cryptocurrency in an attempt to undermine the sanctions being imposed by the US which is currently taking a toll on the economy.
Iran is not the only one against the messaging platform. The Russian government has also made attempts to ban the messaging app when it refused to hand over its encryption keys. Efforts to that end have proven to be unsuccessful so far.
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